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Frequently Asked Questions

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Go to website, click on registration, select General/Trade jobs as you want. You will find an application form, complete all the required information there and click the submit button. Your profile will be created.

We have categorized General jobs mainly for job seekers who hold post secondary education and Trade jobs are for the Job seekers having education below HSC level.

Your profile is your CV, you do not need to upload a CV separately. So, after creating your job seeker account with, just go to the Edit Profile section, fill up all the information in detail there and you are ready to apply for your desired jobs.

Click on the job advertisement ( or view details) , Click on the blue apply button - the apply form appears.Type in your expected salary in the ‘Expected Salary’ field or keep it empty. click ‘Apply Now’.

No. Applying for a job in is totally free.

The selected candidate will receive a call either from the employer or from the journeymakerjonbs

Just click on the forgot password and a code will be sent to your email id or phone number registered with If you do not have that email in use or the phone number in activation, then just call at journeymakerjobs’ office on +8801979560560 , we will help you out.

Yes. You can change your User ID and Password anytime.

No. Once you create your profile on, it stays there. But, if you must want to delete your profile permanently, then you need to contact’s office on +88 01979560560.

Yes. There are multiple government job posts available and we are still working on making our govt. job post section even broader.

No.It is the employer who decides who they want to recruit. Journeymaker does not have any involvement in recruitment decisions.

You can write an e-mail regarding your problem to You can also contact over phone on JMJ.COM’s office phone no. +8801979560560.

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